The Butternut Story
Butternuts are part of the pumpkin family and originate from Mexico. Their sweet, nutty taste and nutritional value makes them popular all over the over world. Although botanically a fruit, butternut squash is used culinarily as a vegetable that can be roasted, sautéed, toasted, and puréed for soups.
Consumers all over the world are changing to a healthier lifestyle. This includes eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet. Thanks to this changing lifestyle butternuts have seen significant growth the last couple of years. Star South provides excellent quality butternuts to our clients all over the world.
Nutritional info
Aside from minerals and vitamins A, C, E and K, it’s also a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and copper. Butternut squash is low in calories but high in many nutrients.
Sakata Quantum & Pluto varieties
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