
Growing regions

South Africa: Mountainous areas of Ceres and Grabouw in the Western Cape and the Langkloof in the Southern Cape

The Apple Story

The first ever apples were cultivated in West Asia. South Africa produces approximately 770 700 tonnes of apples every year, as our near-perfect growing condition produce high quality fruit with a good shelf life.

Star South procures all of its apples in the Western Cape with main focus areas being Villiersdorp, Grabouw and Ceres. These growing areas are ideal, given the warm summers and cold winter nights allowing the fruit to colour perfectly.

Nutritional info

Apples are often referred to as a “miracle food” and a “nutritional powerhouse.” An apple a day really may keep the doctor away as they’re one of the healthiest foods a person can eat. These round and juicy fruits are high in fibre and vitamin C, and they are also low in calories, including no fat or cholesterol.

Apples are high in polyphenols which function as antioxidants. These polyphenols are found in both the skin of the apples as well as in the meat, so to get the greatest amount of benefits, eat the skin of the apple.


Cripps Pink
Cripps Red
Royal Gala (Tenroy)
Granny Smith
Top Red
Golden Delicious
Panorama Goldens



Packing Calendar

Bi-colour Apples
Cripps Pink                                                    
Cripps Red                                                    
Royal Gala (Tenroy)                                                    
Green Apples
Granny Smith                                                    
Red Apples
Top Red                                                    
Yellow Apples
Golden Delicious                                                    
Panorama Goldens                                                    


The Blueberry Story

Blueberries are perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries. They are classified in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium. Vaccinium also includes cranberries, bilberries, huckleberries and Madeira blueberries.

Blueberries are native to Asia, Scandinavia and North America, with early native Americans already recognising the health and medicinal value of these berries. Production became commercialised thanks to Elizabeth White, daughter of a New Jersey cranberry grower, and Frederick Coville, a botanist from the United States department of Agriculture.

The two managed to breed the first domestic varieties in 1911 and produced their first harvest from domesticated varieties in 1916. Elizabeth is also credited as the first person to realise that blueberries needed to be planted in acid soil.

Star South distributes nationally to independent retailers and wholesalers as well as export to Kenya and Uganda. We have embraced this wonderful product and in the end would like to see a punnet of blueberries in every household at an affordable price.

Nutritional info

Blueberries have been labelled as an anti-oxidant superfood that is said to lower your risk of heart disease, cancer and act as an anti-inflammatory. The berries can be enjoyed raw or processed into confectionary products, juice and dairy products. Even the leaves are said to have medicinal value.

Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists.


A range of varieties are planted, with cultivar selection determining to a large extent the ripening period and in turn the ability to reach a target market frame, for example, when European supplies are low between September and November. The main cultivars planted are rabbiteye cultivars, Northern Highbush and Southern Highbush.




The Butternut Story

Butternuts are part of the pumpkin family and originate from Mexico. Their sweet, nutty taste and nutritional value makes them popular all over the over world. Although botanically a fruit, butternut squash is used culinarily as a vegetable that can be roasted, sautéed, toasted, and puréed for soups.

Consumers all over the world are changing to a healthier lifestyle. This includes eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet. Thanks to this changing lifestyle butternuts have seen significant growth the last couple of years. Star South provides excellent quality butternuts to our clients all over the world.

Nutritional info

Aside from minerals and vitamins A, C, E and K, it’s also a good source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and copper. Butternut squash is low in calories but high in many nutrients.


Sakata Quantum & Pluto varieties




The Citrus Story

Certain citrus fruits, like lemons, have an acidic or sour flavour and are used globally for a wide range of applications. Besides their use in the food and beverage sector, lemons extracts are also used in medicines.

Star South is strategically positioned in South Africa to supply the world with a broad variety of citrus. We start the season in Limpopo and Mpumalanga in week 13. Up next is Eastern Cape from week 15 and then Western Cape from week 19. All production areas overlap putting us in the perfect position to supply our clients with the same brand throughout the entire season.

Nutritional info

Citrus is most commonly thought of as a good source of vitamin C. However, like most other whole foods, citrus fruits also contain an impressive list of other essential nutrients, including both glycaemic and non-glycaemic carbohydrate (sugars and fibre), potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and a variety of phytochemicals.

In addition, citrus contains no fat or sodium and, being a plant food, no cholesterol. The average energy value of fresh citrus is also low, which can be very important for consumers concerned about putting on excess body weight.


Easy Peelers(Satsumas, Clementine, Nova, Leanri, Orri, Nadorcott)
Grapefruit(Star Ruby)
Oranges(Navel, Navelate / Autumn Gold, Witkranz Navel, Cambria Navel, Cara Cara Navel, Turkey / Juvalle, Valencia Late, Midknight / Delta)



Packing Calendar (Local Produce)

Star Ruby
Cara Cara Navel
Navelate / Autumn Gold
Witkranz Navel
Cambria Navel
Turkey / Juvalle
Midknight / Delta
Valencia Late


The Figs Story

Mediterranean figs are grown in the farming regions surrounding Cape Town. The Cape’s Mediterranean climate produces figs of a superior eating quality with a Mediterranean flavour. All grown varieties have edible skins.

Star South is the oldest and biggest exporter of South African figs.  We are currently exporting 60% of the South African fig industry, and we supply the local market/most retailers and wholesale sectors.

Our 1st variety Ronde de bureaux is harvested during weeks 1-11. This is a small snack fig, best suited for salads and appetizers, sweet in taste but with a short shelf life. Our 2nd variety is the black fig – Evita, similar to the Turkish Bursa or known as Peruvian, its harvest window is weeks 5 and 22. This fig variety has a deliciously honey-like flavour and can be used for salads/starters, mains and desserts.

We have succeeded in successfully optimizing the temperature regime in the logistical chain, to give our customers the shelf life they require to have less wastage. We can now confidently place the figs in our customer’s hands with a comfortable 10-15 days shelf-life, providing the customer stores the figs in cold storage or on a refrigerated shelf.

Nutritional info

Figs are rich in minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper and are a good source of antioxidant vitamins A and K that contribute to health and wellness.


Black Figs(Evita)
Small black figs(Ronde du Bordeaux)



Packing Calendar

Black Figs
Evita / Parisian
Small Black Figs
Ronde du Bordeaux



Local: Vioolsdrift, Limpopo, Western Cape and Northern Cape

Imported: Namibia, Spain and Egypt


Far East, Europe, UK, Canada, Middle East

The Grapes Story

Grapes are botanically a berry, and can be eaten fresh as table grapes, or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, raisins, vingers and a variety of other products. Grapes are a non-climacteric type of fruit, generally occurring in clusters.

South Africa is one of the leading producers of table grapes and the Star South group of growers consist of arguably the best producers in the region.  The drive for improvement and innovation leads to selection of the best varieties from premium breeding programs for flavour and shelf life to satisfy global customer demands.

Star South strives to be a complete exporter of table grapes by covering the full South African season from all regions. We partner growers with outstanding technical expertise and a quality mindset; producing great eating fruit with the ability to handle long shipping routes is essential. Every bunch of grapes is suited for a specific market region and consumer; serving a distinguished and diverse global client base.

We strive to deliver the right product to the right client, every time. Constant innovation in varieties, packing materials and systems is combined to stay with consumer trends, whilst the optimisation of production efficiencies enhances the value proposition. We treasure our existing client relationships, but also remain keen to develop new markets with new prospective clients.

We start the season in late October with early varieties from Namibia, Vioolsdrift and Limpopo; in December the Orange River region follows and from January onwards the season is completed by the Western Cape region through to April. Our growers and varieties overlap perfectly to ensure a solid supply of white, red and black grapes from start to finish.

Nutritional info

Grapes are versatile fruits used in a wide range of popular foods — from raisins to jelly or wine. They are also packed with nutrients and antioxidants, and have high amounts of the phytonutrient resveratrol, which is especially lauded for its heart benefits.


White seedless(Ivory, Early Sweet, Prime, Sweet Globe, Autumn Crisp, Sugar Crisp, Cotton Candy, Thompson Seedless, Timpson)
Red seedless(Starlight, Sweet Celebration, Ralli Seedless, Candy Hearts, Crimson Seedless, Scarlotta, Allisson)
Black seedless(Sweet Joy, Adora, Midnight Beauty, Sable Seedless)
Red seeded(RedGlobe)


PACK WEEK4546474849505152123456789101112
SHIP WEEK4647484950515212345678910111213
ARRIVAL WEEK4950515212345678910111213141516
Sweet Globe
Autumn Crisp
Sugar Crisp
Sweet Celebration
Arra 29
Sweet Joy
Red Globe

Kiwi Fruits

Growing regions

Local: Limpopo, Kwazulu Natal, Eastern Cape and Western Cape
Imported: New Zealand, Greece and Italy 

Export regions



Kiwifruit (often shortened to kiwi outside Australia and New Zealand) or Chinese gooseberries is the edible berry of several species of woody vines.  The most common cultivar group of kiwifruit is oval, about the size of a large hen’s egg. It has a thin, fuzzy, fibrous tart but edible light brown skin and light green or golden flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds.  The fruit has a soft texture with a sweet and unique flavour. In 2018, China produced half of the world total of kiwifruit.

Star South is a licensed holder of Zespri Kiwi Fruit in South Africa. We supply green and gold kiwifruit to all retailers within South Africa.

Nutritional info

Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food making them rich in nutrients and low in calories. They have a reputation as a health food because of their high vitamin content, but the fruit is also rich in other nutrients. These may help reduce blood pressure boost wound healing, help maintain bowel health, and more.


Green kiwisHayward, Early Green
Gold kiwisSungold Zespri, Dori, Y368, Sorelli, Skelton, Jintao JinGold




The Pear Story

Pears have been cultivated in Central Asia for thousands of years.

South Africa enjoys great growing areas given the warm summers and cold winter nights allowing the fruit to colour perfectly.

Nutritional info

Pears are full of fiber, low in calories, and loaded with antioxidants, including vitamin C. They have been used in anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and anti-hyperglycemic folk remedies in China for more than 2000 years. Studies show they have research-backed health benefits too, such as protection from stroke and some cancers.


Packhams Triumph
Vermont Beauty
Williams Bon Cretien



Packing Calendar

Bi-colour Pears
Green Pears
Packhams Triumph                                                    
Vermont Beauty                                                    
Williams Bon Cretien                                                    


The Pomegranate Story

The pomegranate is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub that grows between 5 and 10m tall.  The pomegranate originated in the region extending from Iran to northern India, and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region.

South African pomegranates are highly regarded for their good eating quality.

Star South procures all its pomegranates in the Western Cape province. We have a very close relationship with our growers and they share our philosophy of quality over quantity.

We start with the Acco variety in February, and in mid-March we switch over to the Wonderful variety. Apart from selling our pomegranates locally to retailers, we also ship to Europe, the UK, Middle East, Africa and SEA until week 26.

Nutritional info

  • Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, and have been used by traditional Ayurvedic practitioners in India for centuries.
  • Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on Earth.
  • They contain a range of beneficial plant compounds, unrivaled by other foods.
  • Studies have shown that they may have several benefits for your body, possibly lowering your risk of various diseases


Pink Pomegranates(Acco)
Red Pomegranates(Wonderful, Emek, Herskovitz)



Stone Fruit

Growing regions

Local: Northern Limpopo, Western Cape, Klein Karoo, Langkloof

Imported: Spain

Export regions


The Stone Fruit Story

Stone fruit is defined as fruit containing a stone or pit. We focus on varieties with high sugar content to enhance the overall eating quality and ensure a great customer experience.

Stone fruit has been part of the Star South family since 2013 with the local South African market being our main focus point. We pride ourselves on servicing our clients for 10 months of the year with imported and local stonefruit produce.

Produce lines include Nectarines, Dessert Peaches, Cling Peaches, Apricots, Prunes, Red plums, Black plums, Yellow Plums and Cherries. Local crops start in the Northern Limpopo region in October, quickly followed by die Western Cape, Klein Karoo and Langkloof regions ending the local season in April. Our on-the-road procurement team travels from farm to packhouse to ensure that the product is packed according to retail standards and client preferences.

Our import stone fruit season starts in June and leads up to September. Working with the leading Spanish stone fruit companies ensure we import only the best produce for our South African clients. We value and cherish our producer relationships and strive to be a market leader on stone fruit supply, proudly presenting their beautiful produce at retail level.

Nutritional info

Stone fruits are rich in inflammation-fighting phytonutrients, which can help protect your health and even fight the signs of aging. Fun fact: They’re also what give stone fruits their vibrant yellow, orange, red, and purple hues.


Dessert peaches(Yellow and white flesh varieties)
Cling peaches
Nectarines(Yellow and White flesh)
Plums(Red, Black, Yellow)
Cherries(Bing, Black Tartarian, Stella, Giant Heidelfinger)
Prunes(Van der Merwe variety)



Danèl van Deventer

Commercial Manager

Trust between client and company is everything.”

Danél started out in the industry in 2010 and has been working her way up ever since. She began in logistics and now serves as a commercial manager, drawing from her in-depth understanding of the cost chain. Danél is passionate about figs and has been dedicated to the export of almost 70% of the South African fig offering for the past seven years.

Department: Management & Support
Market: Far East, Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, Middle East
Produce: Figs

“We are in no other business than the people business.”

Jaco is a born entrepreneur and has been trading fruit since the age of 12 when he started his first business. He has experience in all major business areas, including farming, handling, transport, logistics, IT, marketing operations, finance, management, international and domestic affairs. He is fluent in French and also has basic Spanish language skills.